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88% of us thing A.I. will take our jobs

How to cross the divide

Happy Friday.

This recent poll showed that 88% of people think A.I. is already taking our jobs, and for nothing else its certainly impacting job searching. Today’s resume filters are tuned to look for certain keywords and text and may totally miss some people and gravitate to others. What is this divide between man and machine forming?

What is happening is referred to as the Digitization Gap.

This refers to a chasm that a business owner, educator or individual faces going from a certain set of non-digital skills and processes to automation and intelligence.

This happens as any industry progresses, we as humans are forced to adapt or lose out on the benefits of that technology. Personal computers, email, fast internet and cell phones are all examples of technology that was introduced to society, was adopted, and now is integral to our lives and livelihood.

Enter A.I. and robotics.

This is moving so quickly it’s almost hard to keep up! And it’s far more than just ChatGPT or voice activation impacting our businesses. It’s everywhere.

Here are a few ways that A.I. has impacted each of us today:

  1. Algorithmic trading is outpacing anything your 401K is likely doing.

  2. Electricity: Google and Amazon are building nuclear powered server farms to keep up with the rapid growth of A.I. and are racing to create a universal intelligence.

  3. If you are a school, business, politician and you aren’t 100% focused on your data models, A.I. strategy and automation, you are way behind. Bad data makes automation impossible.

  4. There won’t be a grace period like with other technologies. Businesses may have delayed cell phone distribution for example in the 1990’s and been ok. Businesses that are caught flat-footed with A.I. won’t have a chance to catch up. We will see consolidation as those who have crossed the divide gobble up the remnants of those who haven’t.

  5. People with (real) A.I., data or robotics background are getting preference amongst candidates for almost any job. Getting ghosted? Start educating yourself. (Robauto.ai is free!)

  6. Your employer is likely working on automation already. They probably don’t have plans to replace you yet but in 18 months almost all manual tasks and data manipulation will be automated. A.I. already writes better code than most college graduates. Even “Devs” are at risk.

  7. Whatever you looked at on TikTok or Facebook will now impact what you see in the future. You are creating the media narrative you experience.

  8. If you are trying to self-optimize marketing, you are getting beaten already by machines. There is no chance for a human to win. Online advertising is the currency of the Internet, and these algorithms are very mature already.

What to do? Does this email end with some simple set of steps you can take to overcome this divide?

The simplest thing would be to denounce technology, get self-sufficient and live off the grid. We don’t have to interface with technology at all.

Most of us can’t do that. So instead you need to seek out experts to help you. Beware of the influx of people who claim they have experience with Robotics and A.I., this is a complex field to gain experience in. Playing with ChatGPT does not give someone expertise.

Spend 1 hour a day reading and learning. If you are working in industry, take some time to map out the data you have at your disposal. Is it clean and clear? Are there clear sets of data that would show a machine what a ‘success’ is?

This is an exciting time. There is endless opportunity, and many believe this technology will impact us more than electricity or fire. We agree!