Have we reached Max A.I. Hype?

Not even close

A.I. Hype is Here to Stay

Gartner is a leading research organization, and they recently released an A.I. Hype Curve. Whenever a new technology enters the market, a rush of companies and experts spring up claiming to be able to help others.

This is rampant in the A.I. industry. Suddenly every businessperson, marketing consultant and programmer is an A.I. expert. At a recent startup pitch contest, every presenter added at the end ‘we’re powered by A.I.’…

Beware: Asking ChatGPT questions isn’t A.I. expertise. Anyone can use these new A.I. tools.

True A.I. strategy involves signals, large data sets, automations and a mix of human-machine interactions. The industry is moving so quickly that there are actually a limited number of people and organization on the planet with the type of expertise needed.

Learning tools such as ChatGPT is important but be careful of taking advice from organizations and individuals with no actual machine learning in their background.

Robauto.ai offers free A.I. assessments and weekly no-hype educational content. Since 2013 we’ve been committed to opening up access to these exciting new technologies!!