Sit Back and Wait

Avoid making a me-too app using ChatGPT

Don’t build a business on ChatGPT

It’s easy to see all the buzz around new inventions like ChatGPT. My YouTube feed is clogged with entrepreneurs pitching me A.I. driven apps that are really just a layer skinned over the ChatGPT API. This includes large companies.

Yes, you need to understand what these platforms are to build a business around them. It’s not necessarily simple and some of these apps do provide value.

They won’t for long is the issue. Anyone can make a simple chat bot now and the pace of innovation is simply accelerating faster than any of us on Earth can understand. The digitization gap in business has already happened and organizations that don’t currently have the expertise to develop solid A.I. strategies are already too late.

A.I. is moving so quickly that the next versions will be able to essentially build your business for you and whatever you build now will be obsolete by next year at this time.

In other words, anyone will be able to build any technology or app so don’t spend a ton of time or money on yours.

And this is coming soon - experts believe it’s within the year. We’re waiting until at least ChatGPT 5 is released to build any applications.

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