TikTok Ban?

Text-to-Action to the rescue

Great, another buzzword

2024 has already been a learning year for most people in technology. Just as the industry started utilizing applications such as ChatGPT, all of the ‘hyper-scalers’ (Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, Apple) announced ridiculously ambitious goals around Artificial Intelligence.

It’s Because of Text-to-Action

To be honest we have known about this for a while. Until a recent video interview posted with Google’s former CEO, we weren’t sure what to call it.

We previously tried to describe it here with ChatGPT’s help but it’s actually pretty simple.

But that’s the catch - Instead of asking ChatGPT, CoPilot or Claude for answers to questions, you’ll soon be able to tell it to build software.

The ex-Googler famously said A.I. would be more impactful than electricity and it’s clear that day is here.

He uses an example: What if the U.S. Government was to ban TikTok.

(Imagine the uproar?!)

Don’t worry if you lose TikTok. Soon you’ll be able to say to A.I. things like:

“Build me an exact copy of TikTok and start marketing it. If it doesn’t go viral, tweak it until it does…”

This advancement is coming this year. What does this do to the web, app and software development industries?

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